Senin, 25 November 2013

manual translation

Apply evently to all your body after shower or anytime during the day, for daily use

Usapkan secara merata kesuluruh tubuhmu setelah mandi atau setiap saat, setiap hari

                            Source: sixsence flaming red whitening body lotion

Base on the table above, the sentence using:


anytime during the day
setiap saat
for daily use
setiap hari

Senin, 18 November 2013

tugas 19 November 2013- summary

Translation procedures

There are two translating  procedures by Nida:
  1. Technical procedures:
    1. analysis of the source and target languages;
    2. a through study of the source language text before making attempts translate it;
    3. Making judgments of the semantic and syntactic approximations. (pp. 241-45)
  2. Organizational procedures:
    constant reevaluation of the attempt made; contrasting it with the existing available translations of the same text done by other translators, and checking the text's communicative effectiveness by asking the target language readers to evaluate its accuracy and effectiveness and studying their reactions (pp. 246-47).
Krings (1986:18) defines translation strategy as "translator's potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task,"
Seguinot (1989):
(i)                 translating without interruption for as long as possible;
(ii)               correcting surface errors immediately;
(iii)             leaving the monitoring for qualitative or stylistic errors in the text to the revision stage.

Loescher (1991:8) "a potentially conscious procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it."

Cohen (1998:4) asserts that "the element of consciousness is what distinguishes strategies from these processes that are not strategic."

Bell (1998:188) differentiates between global (those dealing with whole texts) and local (those dealing with text segments) strategies and confirms that this distinction results from various kinds of translation problems

Venuti (1998:240) "involve the basic tasks of choosing the foreign text to be translated and developing a method to translate it."

Jaaskelainen (1999:71) "a series of competencies, a set of steps or processes that favor the acquisition, storage, and/or utilization of information."

Translation method

1.      Word-for-word translation
2.      Literal translation
3.      Faithful translation
4.      Semantic translation
5.      Adaptation
6.      Free translation
7.      Idiomatic translation
8.      Communicative translation

The differences between procedure and strategy
1.      Procedures of translating culture-specific concepts (CSCs)
Graedler (2000:3) puts forth some procedures of translating CSCs:
  1. Making up a new word.
  2. Explaining the meaning of the SL expression in lieu of translating it.
  3. Preserving the SL term intact.
  4. Opting for a word in the TL which seems similar to or has the same "relevance" as the SL term.
four major techniques for translating CBTs:
1.      Functional Equivalence
2.      Formal Equivalence or 'linguistic equivalence'
3.      Transcription or 'borrowing
4.      Descriptive or self-explanatory
The following are the different translation procedures that Newmark (1988b) proposes:
  • Transference
  • Naturalization
  • Cultural equivalent
  • Functional equivalent: it requires the use of a culture-neutral word. (Newmark, 1988b:83)
  • Descriptive equivalent
  •  Componential analysis
  • Synonymy
  • Through-translation
  • Shifts or transpositions
  • Modulation
  • Recognized translation
  • Compensation
  • Paraphrase
  • Couplets 
2.      Strategies of translating allusions
Leppihalme (1997:79) proposes another set of strategies :
        i.            Retention of the name:
    1. using the name as such.
    2. using the name, adding some guidance.
    3. using the name, adding a detailed explanation, for instance, a footnote.  
  1. Replacement of the name by another:
    1. replacing the name by another SL name.
    2. replacing the name by a TL name
  2. Omission of the name:
    1. omitting the name, but transferring the sense by other means, for instance by a common noun.
    2. omitting the name and the allusion together.
Moreover, nine strategies for the translation of key-phrase allusions are proposed by Leppihalme (1997: 82) as follows:
  1. Use of a standard translation,
  2. Minimum change, that is, a literal translation, without regard to connotative or contextual meaning,
  3. Extra allusive guidance added in the text,
  4. The use of footnotes, endnotes, translator's notes and other explicit explanations not supplied in the text but explicitly given as additional information,
  5. Stimulated familiarity or internal marking, that is, the addition of intra-allusive allusion ,
  6. Replacement by a TL item,
  7. Reduction of the allusion to sense by rephrasing,
  8. Re-creation, using a fusion of techniques: creative construction of a passage which hints at the connotations of the allusion or other special effects created by it,
  9. Omission of the allusion.

Rabu, 06 November 2013

tugas mid semester

Paragraph 1
English text
Indonesian text
The First sentence (translated become 2 sentences)
The first Indonesian youth congress was held in Batavia, capital of the then-Dutch East Indies in 1926, but produced no formal decisions but did promote the idea of a united Indonesia.

Kongres Pemuda Indonesia pertama yang diadakan di Batavia, ibukota Hindia-Belanda pada tahun 1926. Kongres ini tidak menghasilkan keputusan resmi tetapi hanya mempromosikan ide negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
I think it’s better delete the word “yang”to make sentence more effective, because of full stop.

The first sentence part 1

The first Indonesian youth congress was held in Batavia, capital of the then-Dutch East Indies in 1926,
Kongres Pemuda Indonesia pertama (yang) diadakan di Batavia, ibukota Hindia-Belanda pada tahun 1926.
Using modulation technique because”comma” is changed by “full stop”.
The first sentence part 2

but produced no formal decisions but did promote the idea of a united Indonesia.
Kongres ini tidak menghasilkan keputusan resmi tetapi hanya mempromosikan ide negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia.
Using  technique of addition because it adds “kongres ini” and deleting word “but”

Paragraph 2
The Second sentence
English text
Indonesian text

In October 1928, the second Indonesian youth congress was held at three different locations.
Dua tahun kemudian tepatnya pada bulan Oktober 1928, diadakanlah kongres pemuda Indonesia kedua yang dilaksanakan di tiga lokasi yang berbeda.
Using addition technique, it adds
Dua tahun kemudian tepatnya pada bulan”

The third sentence

In the first session,
Pada sesi pertama,
Using technique of transposition  

hope was expressed
terungkaplah harapan
transposition technique

that the congress would
bahwa kongres itu sebaiknya
Transposition technique changes the meaning of would (akan) becomes should (sebaiknya)

inspire the feeling of unity
menginspirasi rasa persatuan
Deletition technique “the” and “of”
menginspirasi rasa akan persatuan
The forth sentence

The second session saw discussions about educational issues. In the third and final session, held at Jalan Kramat Raya No, 126, on October 28 participants heard the future Indonesian national anthem Indonesia Raya by Wage Rudolf Supratman
Pada sesi kedua diadakan diskusi tentang isu-isu pendidikan, sedangkan pada sesi ketiga dan sebagai sesi terakhir, yang diadakan di Jalan Kramat Raya No, 126, pada tanggal 28 Oktober, semua peserta mendengarkanlagu kebangsaan Indonesia “Indonesia Raya”, lagu kebangsaan masa depan Indonesia pada saat, yang diciptakan oleh Wage Rudolf Supratman.
It would be better delete words pada saat.
transposition technique when Det+Nà N+Det

The second session saw discussions about educational issues.
Pada sesi kedua diadakan diskusi tentang isu-isu pendidikan,
·         Using additional technique by adding“pada”
·         Using modulation technique“diadakan” subtitutes  “melihat”
·         Using transposition technique,“full stop”à”comma”
The fifth sentence

In the third and final session, held at Jalan Kramat Raya No, 126, on October 28
sedangkan pada sesi ketiga dan sebagai sesi terakhir, yang diadakan di Jalan Kramat Raya No, 126, pada tanggal 28 Oktober,
Using technique of addition, “yang.”

participants heard the future Indonesian national anthem Indonesia Raya
semua peserta mendengarkan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia “Indonesia Raya”, lagu kebangsaan masa depan Indonesia
Using technique of transposition.

the future Indonesian national anthem Indonesia Raya by Wage Rudolf Supratman.

lagu kebangsaan Indonesia “Indonesia Raya”, lagu kebangsaan masa depan Indonesia pada saat, yang diciptakan oleh Wage Rudolf Supratman.
using technique of transposition.
Using technique of modulation
Oleh (by)àyang diciptakan
The sixth sentence

The congress closed with a reading of the youth pledge.

Kongres ditutup dengan pembacaan Sumpah Pemuda.

Using technique of reduction.
 (Sebuah pembacaan dari Sumpah Pemuda)
Paragraph 3
English text
Indonesian text
The seventh sentence

Youth Pledge.

Sumpah Pemuda
Calque technique, one of direct technique that included loan translation

The eight sentence

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia.

Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe, tanah air Indonesia.

1.      Using technique of transposiition.
2.      Using technique of established equivalent
3.      Using technique of addition “bertumpah darah”)

The ninth sentence

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia.

Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe, bangsa Indonesia.

Using technique
of transposition
Mengakoe satu bangsaàmengakoe berbangsa yang satu
The tenth sentence

We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of unity,
Kami poetera dan poeteri Indonesia, mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatoean, bahasa Indonesia.
technique of transposition
Poetera-poetera àpoetra
