As a labour of farm,
Mr. Ngatmin makes money by farming. He and his wife work on field of village
head with system of renting rice fields sharing the crop 50-50. His total
income permonth is one million whereas he has two sons who are in college. In
order to survive his life with his family, he must borrow some money to his
neighbor. Sometime he also borrows to the bank.
“I do not have enough
money to pay semester tuition of my two sons. I borrow some money from my
neighbor and the bank,” he said. “I have responsibility on my daughter with his
son too, because her husband had passed away 2 years ago”.
The menu of his food
everyday is vegetable from his field or sometime his wife buys in small shop.
The vegetable which he consumes everyday, usually vegetable such as cassava
leaf, papaya leaf, and tuber leaf. He and his family seldom consume vegetable
such as broccoli, squash, cabbage, etc. if he wants to eat them, he has to buy
them first.
“ya, usually we pick
vegetable from the field or around my home when we does not have money,” he
Fortunatelly, his job
is as farmer, so, he does not need to buy rice. If he also has to buy some
rice, maybe he can not give pocket money to his sons. Nothing else than his
sons have to bring some food from home. His sons sometime make money by selling
brooch to elementary school students. Their income can be used to buy gasoline.
Mr. Ngatmin says, “my
first son sell brooch to his students in elementary school to buy gasoline. He
makes those brooch by himself while my second son help him in selling it to his
friends in college. However, I thank to Alloh that my first son has been a job
as a teacher in elementary school. Although he does not graduate from college
Mr. Ngatmin hopes that
his two sons can reach their dream and pay all the debt. Although he had sold
apart of their field to pay when his son enter the college. He wants his sons
get a job suitable with their dream and can make money as much as possible. He
always encourage his son to study hard because he does not want his sons life
in miserable.